Serving Opportunities

Let us serve your church with an outreach tailered to your community. Review the many ways we serve the Christian mission.

Centershot Guide New Church fundraiser

While starting Centershot archery is relatively low cost, some small churches find it out of reach. EDI volunteers want to help fund part or all of the equipment cost. With your help giving any amount can be greatly rewarding and helpful.
Goal: $3550
Raised: $2150
Goal: 3550$ 60%

Volunteer to Teach and Mentor Youth

Our volunteers enjoy sharing their archery skills and love for Jesus Christ with youth and families. Centershot programs across Ohio and the nation need well trained and committed leaders to do something that matters! This is an opportunity that we can train you for with our NASP/Centershot BAI certifications classes, so you can be effective in your church or one of our outreach opportunities.
Goal: 12 Trained
Trained Volunteers: 7
Goal: 12 60%

BAI - BAIT Basic Archery Instructor (NASP or Centershot) Certifications

Basic Archery Instructor (BAI)
Centershot BAI certification
BAI for Ohio NASP
Instructor Trainer (BAIT) certification for Centershot Ministry 

Archery Tournament

Tournament Opportunities

Let us help you find local and national tournament opportunities.

Fun Days with Traditional Archery or Hoverball Archery

We will come to your event to promote Centershot Archery. Contact us to check availability.
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